Pink Fire Pointer Batik, Indonesian Cultural Heritage

Batik, Indonesian Cultural Heritage

 Do you know Batik ? 
Obama With His Batik Cloth
Batik is an activity to write an images on certain media that formed a pattern of its own. The 'Batik' word usually refers to a cloth with a pattern of material produced by wax-resist dyeing. 

Historically, in ancient time, membatik (making the batik)  is a skill that commonly owned by women. But eventually it becomes a livelihood for them. 

Originally, Batik is still manually or using hand (using a tool called canthing). However, at this time batik also developed with stamped or machine. Currently in Indonesia, Batik is a thing that very advanced. Many children and school in Indonesia also has taught their students to learn about batik and the indonesian goverment also has set 2nd October as National Batik Day. 

Sulawesi Batik
Bali Batik Motif
Pesisir Batik Motif
Keraton Batik
East Java Batik Motif
In Sumatera, Borneo, Java and Bali you can find different Batik patterns in each region.

Membatik Process

Currently, Indonesian Batik (ranging from the techniques, technology, motifs development and culture) set as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity since 2 October 2009 by UNESCO. 

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