Pink Fire Pointer Paris Van Java, It's Bandung !

Paris Van Java, It's Bandung !

Do you know this place ?

Let's walk to Java Island, the most populous island in the world. Bandung, capital city of West Java Province,a lot of things that you can find here. 

First, Shopping centers. In my opinion, Bandung including three cities in Indonesia as the best shopping place. In here, you can spend a lot of relatively inexpensive prices. But, one of the teen's favorite shopping spots is PVJ-Mall or Paris Van Java Mall. 

This mall was opened in 2006 and designed with the natural feel of the open air concept and the view of the pigeons were flying. In addition, the concept of the building relative to resemble the concept of Europe building. Therefore, Bandung also dubbed as Paris Van Java city because its design is similiar to the building of Europe in ancient times.

PVJ-Mall is not the only shopping center in Bandung city, there is also the Cihampelas Walk here. Ciwalk (the other name of Cihampelas Walk). This mall was opened in 2004. The concept of this place like in PVJ Mall that resemble the concept of Europe building. There's no more iformation that i can give about Ciwalk, Maybe you could find out of this picture.

And How about this picture ? 

i will tell you about this place next time.. 

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