Pink Fire Pointer Kupat Tahu, Fine Dinning For Breakfast

Kupat Tahu, Fine Dinning For Breakfast

When you stay for a few days in Bandung or other parts of West Java or just street briefly. Don't forget eating Kupat Tahu during the morning. Do you know, Kupat Tahu be a prima donna for the people here at the time of the breakfast. These food into foods that are cheap, tasty and easy to find on the streets of Bandung. In Indonesian language Kupat Tahu means Ketupat Tahu which mean the mix of Ketupat combined with pieces of fried tofu into small with a typical bean seasoning. However, in Bandung and surrounding areas, we're going to see a lot of traders give sprouts that have been boiled in this Kupat Tahu.


Ketupat. Do you know ketupat ? 
Ketupat is a dish typical of the shoutheast asia based rice wrapped in woven coconut leaves are still young. In Indonesia, Ketupat is found during a celebration of the Islamic Idul Fitri holiday. 

Kupat Tahu
How about the taste ? Don't ask me if the issue of the taste. When you try the original bandung Kupat Tahu, you will surely give it a try again, again and again. In general this Kupat Tahu sweet taste of peanut sauce flavor coupled with a bit of soy sauce, but if you like sipcy, the sellers of Kupat Tahu provide sambal to add taste.

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