Pink Fire Pointer What Exactly is a Batik

What Exactly is a Batik

                        Over a thousand years ago the bodies of Java, an island in the East Indies, capital to put pictures of the fruits, flowers, and birds which they saw about them on their clothes. They knew that wax would abide water, so they covered the designs they had fabricated on the bolt with broiled wax. When the wax was stiffened the bolt was biconcave into a air-conditioned dye fabricated from vegetables and fruits. After the wax was removed by melting it afresh with hot water, the ablaze pictures showed acutely adjoin the dyed, atramentous background.

Today this process, as able-bodied as the bolt itself, is alleged batik. You can accomplish a batik yourself with wax crayons and a amalgamation of dye. Suppose you demand to accomplish a batik scarf. First draw your design, conceivably some fruit, or flowers, or a bird, aloof as the Javanese did, on a allotment of affection material. Awning the architecture absolutely with the wax crayon. Dip the bolt into the dye, afterward the admonition on the box.

After the absolute bolt has been thoroughly dyed, ablution it with soap and hot water. You will acquisition the adorn washes and you accept a absolute batik. This aforementioned adjustment can be acclimated to accomplish a adorn batik on paper. Instead of dye you can use atramentous water-color paint. Draw your account on the cardboard and this time use all the ablaze colors you can. Press adamantine on the crayons and awning the architecture solidly. Then besom the atramentous acrylic over the accomplished paper. When the cardboard is dry you will acquisition that the beautifully atramentous account shines out of the aphotic background