Pink Fire Pointer Batik Designs with Solo Style

Batik Designs with Solo Style

Solo (it is also called Soerakarta) is located in located in Central Java and located 65 km (40 miles) northeast of Yogyakarta. The city population is approximately 500,000 people. Solo’s main source of income is from textiles, and Solo has the biggest batik market on Java. In batik production, Solo is well known as sogan(brown) colorizing.

Kraton (or court) is not only the residence of the kings, but also the seat of government, religion and culture.this reflected in the arts, especially in her batik: the motifs and colors, and special rules governing the wearing batik. In the solo there are special rules about wearing batik. It has to do with socio-position of the wearer. With respect to the meaning and the hope or wish is symbolized by the motif.
Solo design motif of the culture associated with the Hindu-Javanese: Sawat symbol of the crown or the supreme power, Meru mountain or the earth symbol, a symbol of the water dragon, symbol of the wind or the birds of the world and a symbol of fire flames.
Some traditional motifs imposed on certain occasions:
When making a proposal of marriage, wali (male relative she), wore batik Satria Manah, who showed that when a knight or knights, shoot with bow and arrow, the arrow will be sure to hit the target, which means, of course that the proposal will be accepted. her family accepted the proposal wear batik with motif Cement Chain.
Chain, which means the chain symbolizes the close ties and binding in accordance with the beliefs of people who violate the Asia-off ties will damage the good name of the woman.
- The opportunity where batik worn or used, in connection with meaning and hope or wish is symbolized by the motif.

Great Solo Batik Design