Pink Fire Pointer Lamang Tapai, You Must Try It !

Lamang Tapai, You Must Try It !

Lamang Tapai Seller
Lamang Tapai, If you an Indonesian, you may be confused by the word. But, if you not an Indonesian, i sure you dont know what that Lamang Tapai. Lamang Tapai is kind of snack of the Sumatran region, more precisely Western Sumatera. Lamang Tapai can usually be found in traditional markets of this area ranging from Padang, Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh and others.

This meal consists of two unified food when eaten, the lamang and tapai. Lamang (Lemang in Bahasa Indonesia) is the food of  glutinous rice which cooked using bamboo which formerly rolled by banana leaves.  Bamboo rolls are also filled by coconut milk, then baked until cooked. Tapai (often spelled Tape in Bahasa Indonesia) is a kind of fermented food. Tapai divided into 2 types of  tapai hitam which is made from black glutinous rice and soups as well and Tapai but white is made of yam which is leavened and allowed to stand several days

Lemang Maker

Slices of Lemang

Lemang are Cooked in Bamboo

Tapai Hitam

Lemang with Tapai Hitam

Lemang Tapai in traditional market

Lamang Tapai

So, which one Lamang Tapai ? very simple, food is eaten with slices lemang with tapai hitam and the sauce. 
It tastes very sweet emerged from a Tapai Hitam mixed with the savory flavor of the Lemang. Hm.. it was delicious :) So, you must try it ! 

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