Modern day Batik is all about innovation! It moves out of the traditional Batik printing methods to experiment on various surfaces such as silk, cotton, wool, leather, paper and even wood. The products made out of these innovations are also varied and not just restricted to apparel. Charming ethnic accessories are created using these new techniques that have a high demand from locals and tourists alike. Modern styles of batik are also more of a mix of various art forms such as painting, etching, blocks, use of stencils and various other tools for discharge of wax. This has resulted in a breakout from the traditional block designs to a more diverse range of prints.
The Batik industry is Malaysia has been given a further impetus to experiment with new trends by the Malaysian Government in its effort to promote Batik as a national art form. When tradition and innovation blend together, the result is astounding and that's the case with batik too. Now, you can find batik featuring in fashion shows and on the shelves of most high end designer wear outlets. All state functions give important to batik; important dignitaries and foreign visitors wear batik to respect the tradition of the country.
The latest Batik news is its adaptability to various different materials that make it a wonderful tool for creativity. The past few years have seen a revolution in use of batiks in apparel, accessories, furniture covers, stationary, footwear and lots of other consumer products. A lot of artists have become famous because of their involvement in this thriving batik industry. There are now online classes for batik making techniques and tips on working with batik. Check out batik blogs to see the latest designs in batik and to learn how innovatively this art is used
Two technique of batik are practiced in Malaysia, the hand crafted Batik and block-printed batik. In spite of technological improvements in Batik work, hand-drawn Batik retains its share of market and is valued for its exquisiteness. Handcrafted Batik products are more expensive than block printed products because of the time and effort spent in making each piece. But the resulting product is well worth the cost. So next time you visit Malaysia, make sure you have plenty of space in your luggage to bring back wonderful batik souvenirs to cherish.